On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 3:41 AM, Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce <
digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 07:17:05 UTC, Jon D wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 06:22:55 UTC, Puming wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 00:50:24 UTC, Jon D wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've open sourced a set of command line utilities for manipulating
>>>> tab-separated value files. They are complementary to traditional unix tools
>>>> like cut, grep, etc. They're useful for manipulating large data files. I
>>>> use them when prepping files for R and similar tools. These tools were part
>>>> of my 'explore D' programming exercises.
>>>> [...]
>>> Interesting, I have large csv files, and this lib will be useful.
>>> Can you put it onto code.dlang.org so that we could use it with dub?
>> I'd certainly like to make it available via dub, but I wasn't sure how to
>> set it up. There are two issues. One is that the package builds multiple
>> executables, which dub doesn't seem to support easily. More problematic is
>> that quite a bit of the test suite is run against the executables, which I
>> could automate using make, but didn't see how to do it with dub.
>> If there are suggestions for setting this up in dub that'd be great. An
>> example project doing something similar would be really helpful.
>> --Jon
> Here is what I know of it, using subPackages:
> Say you have a project named myapp, and you need three executables, app1,
> app2, app3, they all depend on a common code base, which you name it common.
> Using dub, you can have a parent project myapp, that does nothing but is a
> container of the three apps and their common code.
> dub.sdl in myapp dir:
> ```
> name "myapp"
> dependency ":common" version="*"
> subPackage "./common/"
> dependency ":app1" version="*"
> subPackage "./app1/"
> dependency ":app2" version="*"
> subPackage "./app2/"
> dependency ":app3" version="*"
> subPackage "./app3/"
> ```
> the comma in dependency name ":common" is equal to "myapp:common"
> now use `dub init common` and the like to create subdirectories.
> change dub.sdl in the subdirectory common so that it becomes a library
> type:
> ```
> name "common"
> targetType "library"
> ```
> change dub.sdl in myapp* subdirectories to depend on common:
> ```
> name "app1"
> targetType "executable"
> dependency "myapp:common" version="*"
> ```
> note here you need to add root project name "myapp:common".
> Then you should register your whole project into the local dub repo, so
> that subpackages can find its dependencies when building:
> in the project root directory:
> dub add-local .
> Now you can build each executable with:
> dub build :app1
> dub build :app2
> dub build :app3
> Unfortunately dub does not build all sub packages at once when you dub in
> the root directory.
> But I think there might be a better way to handle multiple executables?

Just tried your suggestion and it works. I just added the below to the
parent project to get the apps build:
void main() {
import std.process : executeShell;
executeShell(`dub build :app1`);
executeShell(`dub build :app2`);
executeShell(`dub build :app3`);

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