We're live now:



On 12/15/2016 12:20 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Adam Wilson, a past DConf speaker, has graciously accepted to be our
guest speaker this month. Although he will present in-person, as usual,
we will be live on Google Hangouts as well. I will post the link here
right before we start at 7pm Pacific time.

Come in-person at 6:30pm for food and drinks but plea^H^H^H^H RSVP so we
know how much to order:



The Curse of Knowledge is a cognitive bias where a highly skilled person
unknowingly assumes that others have the required background to
understand a given topic. But what happens when a group of intelligent,
like-minded, software engineers design a library? This talk will compare
and contrast library designs with an emphasis on how we can use the
power of D to improve the usability of our libraries. This exploration
of library design will culminate in a discussion of how well designed
libraries can be used to rapidly construct the services that businesses
rely on and capture mind-share for D in the process.


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