On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:37:50 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 19:19:23 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

For some time I have been considering a problem to do with creating tables with unbounded types, one of the failed attempts is here: https://forum.dlang.org/thread/gdjaoxypicsxlfvzw...@forum.dlang.org?page=1 I then exchanged emails with Lucian, Sparrows creator and he very quickly and simply outlined the solution to the problem. Thereafter I read his PhD thesis - one of the most informative texts in computer science I have read and very well written.

At the moment, there are lots of languages attempting to solve the dynamic-static loop, being able to have features inherent in dynamic programming languages, while keeping the safety and performance that comes with a static compiled programming language, and then doing so in a language that doesn't cause your brain to bleed. The "One language to rule them all" motif of Julia has hit the rocks; one reason is because they now realize that their language is being held back because the compiler cannot infer certain types for example: http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/notebook/2015/11/28/why-julias-dataframes-are-still-slow/

I don't see any reason why D can't implement pandas DataFrames without needing to change the language at all
It's just a lot of work.

The simplest I can think of is a struct containing a tuple that contains slices of equal length and an array of strings containing column names. You could have a specialization with a two-dimensional array (or ndslice).

You're quite right that D doesn't need to change at all to implement something like pandas or dataframes in R, but I am thinking of how to got further. Very often in data science applications types will turn up that are required but are not currently configured for your table. The choice you have is to have to modify the code or as scala does give programmers the ability to write their own interface to the type so that the it can be stored in their DataFrame. The best solution is that the data table is able to cope with arbitrary number of types which can be done in Sparrow.

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