On 06/03/2017 09:37 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Of course, but AFAIK you'd need to explicitly assign it to an object, so `ptr` won't null by accident, but only by explicit programmer intent (same as overwriting the memory the object lives in via things like `memcpy`); and you can always screw things intentionally (you could also assign some invalid value to the pointer via `memcpy`).

I'd say `.init` can easily happen accidentally. Especially when `@disable this(this);` is involved.

When you can't copy, you may have to move sometimes. But std.algorithm.move overwrites the old location with `.init`, assuming that `.init` can safely be destroyed.

struct S
    void* ptr;
    @disable this(this);
    ~this() { assert(ptr !is null); /* fails */ }

void f(S s) {}

void main()
    auto a = S(new int);
    import std.algorithm: move;
    f(move(a)); /* overwrites `a` with `S.init` */

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