I hadn't heard of this software.

I have had two of these one pound USB eBay sound devices. One was so poor you 
could see the noise it generated on the waterfall. I tossed it.

The second one I bought to use for computer audio so I could free up the 
on-board sound card for digimodes. After a week, whenever I plugged it in 
Windows threw up an "A USB device has had a serious failure" message. I tossed 

Julian, G4ILO

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "J. Moen" <j...@...> wrote:
> On another reflector, Jonathan Naylor G4KLX talks about his D-Star Client 
> software which is a soundcard program to operate D-Star through an analog 
> radio.  Since the fancier soundcards and even USB fobs typically have extra 
> circuitry that ends up filtering the lowest audio frequencies that are used 
> by gmsk, he recommends getting the cheapest and simplest USB sound fob you 
> can find.  His own fob was purchased on eBay for 1 pound.  
> I suspect the various digital modes have different audio requirements, and 
> the gmsk requirement represents one extreme.  Perhaps some of the very weak 
> signal modes require a sound device with minimal distortion and may represent 
> the other extreme.

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