Hi Jake,

I will impart a small seminar soon about Non-intrusive JavaScript 
techniques, jQuery and client side programming
to the develop team where I work , The University of Murcia :)

This is the documentation that I've made (sorry in spanish :-P ):

Jake McGraw escribió:
> Hi all, first let me say I've had an absolutely wonderful time 
> utilizing jQuery for all of my javascript tasks. So wonderful, that 
> I've convinced my boss that we should throw out every one (we're using 
> about 4 or 5) of the javascript frameworks and random scripts we're 
> currently using and consolidate all of our web applications under 
> jQuery. This is a library of about 60 web applications that have to be 
> re-examined and partially rewritten. This Monday, I'm scheduled to 
> give a 30 minute presentation to the development team about JavaScript 
> and jQuery, essentially a couple of short tutorials / propaganda 
> session to get them hyped about this technology. I'm sending out this 
> email to see if anyone has done something like this yet, what their 
> experience was like and maybe garner a couple of pointers or things I 
> should bring up in my presentation.
> Thanks,
> - jake
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Best Regards,
 José Francisco Rives Lirola <sevir1ATgmail.com>

 SeViR CW · Computer Design
 Murcia - Spain

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