One thing that I have noticed in speaking wiwth the development team I work
with (trying to convert) is the concept of the FOR loop in jQuery.

in jQuery, I assume that EVERYTHING has a FOR loop attached to it.  So
$(".myClass").fadeOut() will fade out *all* of the classes, not just one.
The EACH method helped them understand how to get inside that loop if
neeeded.  For them, they thought it was easy to read, but not understandable
until I explained the iterative nature of jQuery.  However, there is still
resistance because *not* using the FOR loop to them is just "alien".  To use
jQuery, you have to let go of using FOR loops and IF statements and instead
embrace the selector power to do the same stuff.

I haven't converted them, nor does it look like they are switching soon.
But I found this issue to be interesting as a discussion point.

It might be worth it to show before and after examples of code, with and
without jQuery.

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