Jose, Gracias, but I'm afraid American schools have left me with such a poor
grasp of the Spanish language that I won't be able to use your guide. It
looks very thorough, though, and would love to introduce some of the ideas
you have here to my team, as they are really lacking in the "concept" of
what JavaScript is. If an English version becomes available, please let me

Also, this is for anyone on the listserv, I've created a short set of (Power
Point) slides about jQuery, if anyone could take a second to review this
first draft, I'd much appreciate it. They're located here:

Thanks everyone for your help!

- jake

On 3/8/07, SeViR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jake,

I will impart a small seminar soon about Non-intrusive JavaScript
techniques, jQuery and client side programming
to the develop team where I work , The University of Murcia :)

This is the documentation that I've made (sorry in spanish :-P ):

Jake McGraw escribió:
> Hi all, first let me say I've had an absolutely wonderful time
> utilizing jQuery for all of my javascript tasks. So wonderful, that
> I've convinced my boss that we should throw out every one (we're using
> about 4 or 5) of the javascript frameworks and random scripts we're
> currently using and consolidate all of our web applications under
> jQuery. This is a library of about 60 web applications that have to be
> re-examined and partially rewritten. This Monday, I'm scheduled to
> give a 30 minute presentation to the development team about JavaScript
> and jQuery, essentially a couple of short tutorials / propaganda
> session to get them hyped about this technology. I'm sending out this
> email to see if anyone has done something like this yet, what their
> experience was like and maybe garner a couple of pointers or things I
> should bring up in my presentation.
> Thanks,
> - jake
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> jQuery mailing list

Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola <>

SeViR CW · Computer Design

Murcia - Spain

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