In some cases, I would recommend not going strictly alphabetical, because it 
biases away from the majority of your users.

Our product's sign up page includes a popup for State, which includes US 
protectorates like Guam.  Unfortunately, alphabetically, Federated States of 
Micronesia precedes Florid, and Palau comes before Pennsylvania.  So users who 
alphakey to their state end up with a big What The F---?

Do we have *any* users from Palau in our system?  Heck if I know, but I'll bet 
it's way fewer than from Wilkes-Barre.  So by including this oddity 
alphabetically in our list -- rather than somewhere else -- we serve the one 
user from there and abuse the thousands from somewhere more common.

The same thing applies on a global basis.  If 90% of your projected users are 
from English speaking countries, move them to the start of their letters of the 
alphabet.  Make things easy for the huge bulk of users, maybe confusing for a 
small number of them, and slightly worse for the tiny portion who don't get 
true logical alphakeying (like the huge contingent from Uganda who are going to 
be soooo angry that United States came up on the first U! [*]).

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."  Consistency is 
great, but if there's a good reason to be inconsistent, go for it.

-- Jim Drew
   Seattle, WA

[*] - Apologies to anyone from Uganda.  Only an example, recommending for a 
case where Ugandans are not anticipated to be a meaningful fraction of site 

Where you draw the line of what is significant enough to jog out of 
consistency, I don't know.  Should Arizona come before Alaska, purely on 
population grounds dictating likelihood of users?

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bryan Minihan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I can't tell you how many times I've had to build a country drop-down, and
>I've come to prefer "most likely selection first, with alphabetical
>following".  For a truly global company/site where people are likely to be
>from everywhere (and/or you don't want to show bias toward a particular
>country), I'd probably go with pure alphabetical.

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