There is a fundamental confusion here between two different things: STATES
and TRAITS.  Traits are persistent, States are transient.  Every individual
can be characterized has having certain persistent traits. Persistent
doesn't mean they will never change -- it only means that they will remain
quite stable over a long period of time, barring some signficant
life-changing (including, traumatic) experiences.  [If your TRAITS change
frequently, you need some serious help.] States, on the other hand, like
moods, change from moment to moment.  MBTI and other 'personality style'
instruments do not assess STATES but TRAITS.
Also, whoever uses such instruments for recruitment is guilty of grossly
misusing them and violating their fundamental purpose.  Personality style
instruments are best employed to gain insights into oneself.  They should be
answered honestly, if they are to be of any use - any instrument can be
'gamed' to give the desired results, but who benefits from this?

I have used the MBTI for years with my students to help them understand
themselves and be able to better relate to others and most of them love it.
 I also tell them -- and this is important that such instruments do not
delimit the scope of an individuals behaviors because of the distinction
between STATES and TRAITS.  They should never be used for pigeonholing
people.  I don't require my students to share their MBTI profiles with
others, but many do, voluntarily.

On Jan 25, 2008 5:15 PM, Chauncey Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Think about how we may be quite
> different personas in different situations -- I'm very shy at cocktail
> parties and avoid them as much as possible but I can be quite
> theatrical in front of a good audience -- two quite different
> behaviors in social situations.
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