Apologies, I seemed to have posted in the 'yahoo! markteting
replies' while looking at the patent thread

My point is this; last time this came up I beleive Chauncey
highlighted the problems talking about patents.  And here we are

I feel its a relatively obscure issue that arises infrequently. 
While the ideal might be that everyone understands they shouldnt
mention the p-word.  I dont think thats going to happen

So, those in the know, who are concerned etc.. they are the ones that
need to take steps to protect themselves.

Write greasemonky scripts, setup email filters and do whatever you
feel you need to do to block patent details arriving on your screen. 
Shout outs in the middles of threads is not going to stop the issue.  

In fact, all you seem to be achieving Andrei is highlighting the fact
you read this thread on Patents.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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