On Jun 9, 2008, at 8:32 PM, Christopher Fahey wrote:

For those concerned about the legal ramifications of exposure to competitors' patents, the best solutions seem to be:
 1) Quit the list.
 2) Quit your company (or client).

Oh, that's just silly.

There's lots of stuff we don't discuss openly on this list.

We don't talk about how much we charge. (It could possibly be seen as price fixing.)

We don't talk about clients we dislike. (It could be seen as libel or defamation of character.)

We don't talk about how stupid our co-workers or managers are. (It would just be a career-limiting move.)

Why is it so important that we talk about this openly?

Nobody has said that people who are ok with the conversation shouldn't talk about it at all. Andrei and others have just asked that we do it in a way that doesn't put them at jeopardy. Why is that such a difficult request?

I don't understand why this is so hard for some people to grok?


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