On Sep 24, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Will Evans wrote:

Has anyone else read Amy Shuen's Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide and her discussion about Facebook and the the monetization of user generated value streams on social networks? For those interested - it does provide a good understanding about exactly why MS payed what they did for Facebook.

I think Shuen's work is brilliant. However, all I see with the MS investment is a Google/Yahoo-acquisition blocker.

Any attempts that Facebook has made to produce value beyond selling virtual gifts and poor-response CPM ads has been rebuffed by the users.

I don't see how the value of the user relationships turns into capital for the business.

It's possible I'm just dense about this and everyone else gets it. But to me, it feels a bit like the house of cards that's been holding up the mortgage biz for the past 6 years.


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