Text messages may be a wonderful donation method for those in the US,
but it leaves donors outside the US out of the loop.

I tried to make a donation to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief
fund via the web site on Thursday morning.  The form repeatedly threw
an error saying my card was declined.  When I called my bank, Chase,
they told me they were INUNDATED with calls from cardholders who were
getting the same error from that form.  They told me it was the form.

Later in the day I came back to try my donation again.  The form had
been updated since the morning.  The new version had the ability to
send an ecard to someone at the time you make a donation.  But the
form still FAILED.  This makes me question the priorities of whomever
was deciding what needed fixing with that form.

Finally I called the Red Cross.  I tried to use the automated phone
system for making a donation, figuring that I could help more by not
using a volunteer's time.  The process was clunky and slow.  The
very last piece of data I needed to give the automated system was my
ZIP code.  But I reversed two numbers when I input it.  In order to
fix that I was directed to start the whole phone donation process
over.  No thank you.

So I called back and I talked to a person.  And I made my donation.  

It took me far, far too much time and effort to make that donation.

The American Red Cross doesn't just need their form(s) brought to
current standards.  They need their entire donation process
overhauled and made robust enough to work smoothly when there's a
huge sudden influx of donations.

[And lets not even talk about the Mexican Red Cross site, which
wouldn't even load on Thursday.]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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