On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 01:10:47PM -0700, Dave Patton wrote:
> On 2008/10/11 12:42 PM, Tim Sutton wrote:
> >Another point to make is that the turn out to the sprint was 3.5 x the
> >number of people who said they would come so getting attendance of the
> >sprint as part of the registration process will help you plan better.
> Were there people who attended the FOSS4G 2008 Code Sprint
> who were not registered delegates to the FOSS4G conference?
> In other words, does the "code sprint registration" need
> to be distinct from the "conference registration" in order
> to capture everyone who is wanting to attend?

I don't think we've had anything ike that happen in either 2007 or
2008... not to my memory, anyway.

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
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