in the event that it's not already completely clear from my post 5 minutes
ago (d'oh, before reading this thread)

i completely concur with what chris has said here. I think it's pretty
reasonable to think that anyone who is going
to put in the $ to go out to australia is probably planning on spending at
least two or three days to do a bit of
travelling (i feel confident of that but maybe it's actually *not* a valid
assumption?) and so having the spacing between
the code sprint and the conference is in my mind a great idea.


On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Christopher Schmidt <

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 04:45:49PM +0800, Tim Bowden wrote:
> > The FOSS4G 2009 team are planning a 3 day code sprint.  The conference
> > itself will be starting with workshops on Tuesday 20 Oct and finishing
> > on Friday 23rd Oct.
> >
> > The possibilities for the code sprint are for the preceding Wednesday-
> > Friday giving a long weekend in between (giving time for touring, more
> > coding or whatever) or Sat - Monday with no break between the code
> > sprint and the conference.  What would people prefer?
> I'm strongly in favor of the former.
> For one, like Cape Town, Sydney is too long of a flight to make it just
> a trip about the conference, in my opinion. We had an organized group do
> a two day trip down the cape after the Code Sprint in Cape Town, and I
> think it was a really successful bonding experience for those of us who
> came along, allowing some non-coding social time where we all go to hang
> out and know each other a little better, which I expect will help
> develop better communications in the coming months within the project.
> Also, having a break between the conference after the code sprint keeps
> the possibility of having a 'finished' result of something by the
> conference more likely as well. In general, code sprints are good at
> producing a lot of unpolished code: a couple days can help to get the
> code a bit more polished in order to present it as a new development
> during the conference, if people so choose.
> Lastly, I think that having a break before the conference gives people a
> bit of time to unwind: code sprints tend to be exhausting if you do them
> right (taking full advantage of shared physical location with long
> hours, for example), and going directly from that into a conference
> (described by one attendee as being similar to 'a 5 day long rave' due
> to the amount of energy it consumes) feels dangerous. :)
> Regards,
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> Web Developer
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