On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 21:42 +0200, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> 2008/10/11 Christopher Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 04:45:49PM +0800, Tim Bowden wrote:
> >> The FOSS4G 2009 team are planning a 3 day code sprint.  The conference
> >> itself will be starting with workshops on Tuesday 20 Oct and finishing
> >> on Friday 23rd Oct.
> >>
> >> The possibilities for the code sprint are for the preceding Wednesday-
> >> Friday giving a long weekend in between (giving time for touring, more
> >> coding or whatever) or Sat - Monday with no break between the code
> >> sprint and the conference.  What would people prefer?
> 8<------snip-------------------
> The downside to the codesprint <-> gap <-> codesprint idea is that it
> means folks would need to cover accommodation & living costs for 6
> days over and above the conference.....which will hit some of us hard
> in the pocket. That said, I think it would be great to have a longer
> code sprint. Another option to consider could be to start the sprint
> on the day before the core conf. starts and then to provide a code
> sprint space (we could have used the speaker prep room this year since
> it was underutilised) and allow for ad hoc coding get togethers during
> the conference. Of course having the sprint at the start of the conf
> does have the negative of people being seriously jetlagged to begin
> with....(as opposed to being seriously hung over at the end...).

Yes, cost is a sensitive issue, even for those with full pockets (isn't
it always?  Be nice if we could find a sponsor for the sprint (says Tim
adding to the already big wish list).

Just to confuse things again, we're reconsidering the idea of having it
before.  It runs the risk of diverting attention from the last minute
things that need to be done in the run up to the conf itself.  After is
looking like a great option right now (which would reduce by 1 the
number of nights accommodation as well).

> One thing I learned from organising this years sprint is that almost
> everyone you ask will have a different opinion about how the code
> sprint should be arranged, and you may be better off just deciding on
> one way or the other and then making the arrangements clearly known so
> that people can logistically and psychologically prepare for it.
Noted.  Thanks.

> Another point to make is that the turn out to the sprint was 3.5 x the
> number of people who said they would come so getting attendance of the
> sprint as part of the registration process will help you plan better.

Interesting.  I'm anticipating 30- 50 sprinters, but the three day
format so far from home (for many) is untested so I'm going more on Conf
fueled (overoptimistic?) enthusiasm expressed in Cape Town than anything
else atm.

> Regards
> Tim


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