I'm fully behind Jooseppi, as indicated in my post some months ago:

My 3GHz Win2k PC is no slouch, and runs all other applications at the
speed I expect.  Maybe the comparison with Sooloos (whatever that is)
is unfair, but what about my previous comparison with Spider Player,
which is free?

In Spider, I can open the same 17,000 track (.m3u) playlist that I feed
to SqueezeCenter, and ask Spider to shuffle it, and in less than 1
second the list is shuffled and I can start playing immediately.  But
ask SC to shuffle a new list (of this size) it hasn't previously
shuffled, and it takes 1 or 2 MINUTES on my system.  There are many
other examples of SC's slowness, not least the the 50 minutes it takes
to 'scan' my library, a task it shouldn't need to do since I create my
own playlists (in a matter of seconds).

I agree that the interpreted and web-based nature of SC are probably
what kill it, and would like one day to write a 'dedicated' PC
application (in C) that does the few things I want, and fast (like
Spider Player, with which, incidentally, I have no connection - just a
satisfied user).

To this end, Mark, can you point me to the protocol for communicating
with the players, which you say is open and documented.


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