Great stuff, I just remote desktopped into it from work and it seems to
have found all my tracks.

Through the SC web interface I clicked on the MusicIP Mix icon to the
right of a track and it created a mix (though I can't confirm it
actually plays until I get home). Does it work the same on the Duet
Controller or do I just hold down the play button for a few seconds to
create a mix?

Now that it's up and running I'll want to play around with the
preferences to get it right. I've listed the available settings below -
what do the seasoned MusicIP users out there normally go for in terms of
these settings?

1. MusicIP Mix Size - Choose Mix Size (any performance hit for a 100+
2. MusicIP Mix Style - How much like the artist style ( 0 = ignore
(default), 200 = strict )
3. MusicIP Mix Variety - How much variety in the mix ( 0 = less
(default), 9 = more )
4. MusicIP Mix Genre - Restrict mix to the genre of the seed (Default:
5. MusicIP Reject Size - Set the number of items to skip before
repeating a type. (Default: 12)
6. MusicIP Mix Filter - You can create named sets of filter conditions
in MusicIP and choose from the list here to apply those filters to
MusicIP Mixes in SqueezeCenter.
7. MusicIP Reload Interval - When your MusicIP Database changes,
SqueezeCenter will automatically import the library information. You
can specify the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that SqueezeCenter
will wait before reloading your MusicIP Database again. A value of zero
disables the reload.

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