I posted this a little while back with a longer explaination of what I
thought all the various options meant:

MusicIP Player Settings for Each Mix - Yes [see explanation about
Filters below]

MusicIP Mix Size - Tracks = 50 [I tend to run through the playlist and
delete the ones I'm not happy with, so this usually gets it down to 35
songs or so]

MusicIP Mix Style - 135 

MusicIP Mix Variety - 1 [a small amount of variety in any mix from a
specific seed song, if this was 0 you would get the same mix every time
from a song]

MusicIP Mix Genre - no 

MusicIP Reject Size - 5 [I don't like Artist repeats - I only wish this
worked on albums too so you would only get one song from the same album
every five songs.  If you have a lot of compilation albums, it can get
a bit samey.  Now deal with this by a custom recipe.]

is where I start at...good if you want style to be pretty similar, and
the mix to have a bit of variety (i.e. not the same mix from any given
song, it will vary a bit).

Filters are where I really tend to manage my mixes (hence why I need
each player to have access to the filter options).  I have lots. 

a simple library filter (i.e. mix using songs from my library only, mix
from songs from my other half's library only), 

a Do Not Mix Enabled Songs filter (because I run headless and that
doesn't respect the songs that are diabled in the MIP GUI - so this
filter will only mix with songs that are enabled in MIP - filters out
Christmas or novelty songs and podcasts or audiobooks for example)

a Ratings filter (only mix with songs rated * and above) 

...and so on.  The default mix is always unfiltered though.

Reload Interval is 0, I only like MIP and SC to scan when I tell them
too (4am every morning thanks to Rescan Music Library plugin).


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (http://www.last.fm/user/siduhe)?
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'
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