Hi there, 

I'm relatively new to SqueezeCenter and just want put in my two cents:
- I'm an owner of a squeezebox-duet and don't regret my purchase. It's
exactly what I expected - and having a 7.3.3-firmware from beginning I
didn't feel any glitches. All the basic function were really easy to set
up - and it just worked. Thats how it is supposed to be.
I recently stumbled about the headphones not working as I expected but
still are expectand that this will be solved soon. In the meantime there
is a workaround in this forums - what do I want more ?

- I once got in touch with support, because the Duet didn't want to
wake-on-lan my NAS. This was handled very fast by 1st tier and 2nd tier

- Two days ago I made the 'mistake' to install FW7.4. This totally
broke my controller in the first place - in the meantime with a lot of
cursing and I sleepless night I got back to 7.3.3. After some more
reading in the beta forums, it turned out to be the language settings,
so I tried it again.
And what do I have to say ? I like it ! I can see progress and the
direction where my duet will be going - not only is the UI nicer to look
at, also switching servers has gotten easier - when I want to browse my
music I'm asked which server/library I like - thats a good place
(instead of it beeing hidden in some extended menu). 

UI is always difficult to explain / get right - but in my opinion its
now more stylish - also such subtle things like sounds played when
clicking/scrolling have been changed to be much more ear-friendly.
Yes the fonts are to big (as german words are quite a bit longer than
the english equivalents) - but thats not a thing I'm troubled about. As
they release betas at least there is a chance to complain (and that
should be done in beta-forums), before they can't chance anything in the
final version.

- I read that one thing to change in the future is server resources
consumption. I think this is a good strategic decision. I'm one of those
guys running SqueezeCenter on a NAS. That's because I want a low-power,
mostly noiseless server. If you see that alternate systems (streamium
for instance and most other) all go by UPNP (which are supported by
mosts lowtech NAS's out of the box) I think that beeing able to be run
smoothly on any NAS is MUST-HAVE for SqueezeCenter. Its still difficult
enough to be run on a NAS but if that wasn't possible at all, I wouldn't
go with squeezecenter.

- I'm really like the open source character of this product. I'm not
programming myself - but I'm able to read this forum/wiki see that
others are developing, try their stuff out and I'm able to help myself.
Yes that's some time to spent and you need to be a bit more advanced ...
but hey - at what other product you get this ?

So my conclusions:
- easy to use for beginners on official firmware
- much more options for advanced users with plugin architecture
- lots to play (and curse) with the cutting edge latest 'beta'

I hope that my still good mood as a relatively new user stays this way.

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