Erik L;547811 Wrote: 
> I do not understand this. Now all of a sudden I managed to get DSBridge
> to work again. And I almost only did what I have been doing over and
> over again for more than an hour, with one difference. Desperately I
> wrote "localhost" instead of the IP address in the favorite address
> field:
> http://localhost:8124. Then the server really tried to connect, and it
> looked like it succeeded at first, but no sound emerged. Then I changed
> back to the IP address instead, restarted Spotify (for the umpteenthe
> time) and, holy smoke, after that everything worked again. What on
> earth was the problem from the beginning and why did this fiddling
> around finally resolve the hanging?
> But I bet that sooner or later I will run into problems again...
> Erik

I had exactly the same happen to me!
I'm just glad that you wrote here how you managed to get it to work


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