snarlydwarf;566331 Wrote: 
> The main thing would be trashing the drive or the power supply

These are problems due to the spikes involved in the typical power
event, not the fact that the system has shut down unexpectedly.

With a machine running Squeezebox Server there should be very little
being written to databases or other files most of the time.  There is
an outside chance, though, that an unexpected shutdown could trash a
file or two and make startup of the application impossible.  So, if you
want to minimize the odds that a power outage will cause some type of
failure, you need a UPS and need to take one of two approaches to using

- Use a large enough UPS that it will weather all/most power outages.
  A headless Vortexbox doesn't draw much power, so a typical
  inexpensive UPS for a desktop system would most likely provide at
  least 20-30 minutes of up time, possibly quite a bit longer.  So you
  could cover the majority of power outages in your area, but you can
  never cover 100% of them.
- Use a UPS that communicates with the computer to allow the system
  to shut down gracefully after some number of minutes on standby
  power.  Considering the application - the Vortexbox is a music server
  and when your power goes out, your music system will be nonfunctional,
  there's little reason to keep the music server running forever.  So if
  your UPS has, say, 20 minutes of capacity, configure the system to
  shut down after 15 minutes.
  The UPS will need the capability of communicating with a computer
  (usually a serial port of some type), which all but the most basic
  UPS's have, and the Vortexbox or its operating system will need
  software to respond to the signals received from the UPS.

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