JJZolx;566358 Wrote: 
> These are problems due to the spikes involved in the typical power
> event, not the fact that the system has shut down unexpectedly.

Thanks JJZolx. Yep, that's what I was asking about. The simple case of
the vortexbox appliance being the equivalent of "unplugged" without
going through a normal shutdown. To be clear, I'm simply trying to
avoid any hassles of: the power went off, and now I have to connect a
monitor and keyboard to the appliance and enter some command lines to
restart SbS, mount drives, give out permissions, and all the other
stuff I currently know little about.  If the vortexbox appliance blows
up, I really don't care about that (as long as the house doesn't burn
down). I have lots of safe backups in 3 different cities! It's the
"minor" hassle and the "wife factor" (I'm out of town and she says, "we
had a power outage and now I can't play music. How do I fix it?"). I can
tell her what do do with a windows machine (just reboot!). But the linux
stuff (I'm assuming) is not so straightforward. Again, I'm speaking from
ignorance on this issue.

I fully understand that power spikes, lightning strikes, etc. are an
entirely different issue. I do have things running through one of the
"brickwall" price wheeler surge protectors to help in this regard, but
nothing stops a direct hit I suspect. And that's not my current concern
in any case. Thanks again.

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