aubuti;607106 Wrote: 
> Like toby10 said, Pandora has to pay the bills somehow. The announcement
> from Pandora about ads was made a long time ago and has been very clear
> on Pandora's site. Look at
> to see what you get a paid Pandora One account. 
> - Unlimited listening
> - No ads
> - Higher quality audio (192kbps only avail on Pandora's desktop app,
> _not_ Squeezebox)
> - More skips

Yeah.  I know it's been ad supported for a couple of years (since 2008
I think) but all the time since the desktop app started ads and now,
the SB version was ad free.  Since it appears there's some sort of
proxy system between and Pandora, I'd like to be sure
paying for Pandora will remove the ads.  Can anyone confirm this?

As far as paying the bills goes, there are plenty of business models
that would allow for an agreement between Logitech and Pandora for ad
free service on SB.  As I stated in my original post, I'm aware there
was no guarantee made that this was the case.

It also appears (anecdotal) that only some of my Pandora channels are
playing ads.  I've heard ads all weekend on one channel but the channel
I've been on  for 4 hours this morning hasn't had a single ad.  

Just some authoritative information on the SqueezeBox/Pandora ad system
is all I'm looking for.

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