Yes, a paid Pandora account will be ad free.
Pandora is a subscription service, it is not available everywhere, not
everyone wants to use it where it is available.
So why should *all* SqueezeBox users pay more for the hardware so
Logitech can pay Pandora a licensing fee so a few people can use
Pandora ad free?
If so, how about Slacker?  Rhapsody?  Napster?  Deezer? 
Spotify?  WIMP?  Soma?

IMO the SqueezeBox business model for subscription services is perfect
the way it is.  
Want free?  You get what you pay for which is ad supported streaming. 

Want more?  Want ad free?  Pay up.   :)

No one likes ads, but even ads on such services as Slacker & Pandora is
worlds apart from most other streaming protocols (love, ban, FFWD,
etc..).  ;)

Wild guess is that, in the grand scheme of things, Pandora use via
SqueezeBox is very low on the Pandora radar so they are just now
getting around to making SqueezeBox usage of Pandora equal to the other
Pandora schemes (i.e.  free = ads).

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