On the bottom  on the SqueezePad is a quick access button "internet
radio". Is there a way to change the function and call a different
internet radio service?
I would like it to call TuneIn radio

reasons for it, it doesn't work for me. I found out this button
connects to RadioTime of SB by default and most of those radio streams
don't work. 

After more than a year I discovered something: By holding/ calling the
context menu, select RadioTime options/choose stream/ ...MP3 -> it
works!! This method of chosing a radio station, and then chosing the
proper stream  (mp3 instead of WMA) isn't practical but it did brought
me closer to the source of the problem.

I tried and disable WMA on SBS but didn't change the behavior of the
internet radio.

I found out that using a different internet radio service like TuneIn,
does work because it sends an MP3 stream by default. And strangely
enough -> TuneIn == RadioTime ?!? 

... makes sence?

Hope you can help


SqueezePad + SBS 7.5.3 on Synnology DS407
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