Julf wrote: 
> (Numbering added by IG)
> 1  Ripping CD's isn't going to be the dominating way to get your music
> into your server any more - downloading and streaming are more
> important, and in any case, you can't rip without keyboard and screen,
> as CDDB data isn't 100% perfect. So acquiring content is best done on a
> PC/Mac/whatever.
> 2  The server, with it's hard disk(s), is best placed away from your
> music system.
> 3  The players ... you want several of them.

1.  Irrespective of whether you rip or download at some point you need
to (a) get the track registered with the database and (b) amend the
meta-data (a lot of my music is classical so, believe, me, I know all
about the inadequacies of CDDB-acquired meta-data!).  So at present you
do that on a "PC/Mac/whatever" and then, as a separate process, run a
scanner to perform the data-acquisition in bulk, periodically rescanning
and, as people with large collections complain about, waiting for that
to happen.  If you decide your metadata isn't right, edit it, rescan &
wait.  Why? 

Wouldn't it be better to have the rip/download functionality aware of
the server D/B update it with each rip or download as it works?  And
wouldn't it be at least as effective to amend the D/B's version of the
acquired metadata via the server's web interface and, if you wanted,
then amend the embedded metadata in the track from that?

2.  Why?

3. You only need players once you've got something to stream, unless
you're relying entirely on streaming from the internet.

FWIW I have a headless server built into one of the old Hiper cases
which, sadly, are no longer made & getting rarer on eBay.  This box was
built to the dimensions & finish of a typical domestic audio or video
appliance.  I've fitted a fanless  mini-ITX board & lap-top optical &
hard drives.   Sitting inside the cabinet with the rest of my kit it's
inaudible.  It's also headless.  It can rip CDs automatically and
management is done by web interfaces; the keyboard and screen are needed
but they're just not directly attached to the server after initial
setup.  The latter isn't perfect because it isn't integrated with the
LMS database.  

If the acquisition. metadata editing and file shuffling facilities were
integrated with the server there'd be no need to have the latter scan
anything unless I wanted a precaution against my logging in via SSH &
moving things round behind the server's back but this could be handled
by some sort of stock-taking scan could be backgrounded.

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