erland wrote: 
> If all classical music fans would be able to agree on a tagging scheme
> for classical music, we would at least have taken a first step towards
> being able to convince the tagging software developers to add support
> for it. If there was a standardized tagging scheme, it would be easier
> to make a content server for local music that supported it. I know
> musicbrainz has done some work to standardize metadata for classical
> music ( but I'm not sure
> how the progress is.
Sadly the chances of this happening are vanishingly small now.  If the
standards (such as they are) had been done right in the first place
(which would not have been hard) it would be easy.  They weren't.  Like
many others I went my own way, with some ideas from you, and probably
wouldn't want to have to change it all again unless I felt there was a
realistic long-term benefit to be gained.

So some clever ideas are needed, but I've not had any.  I'm hoping you
and your colleagues will!

LMS 7.8 on VortexBox Midi, FLACs 16 or 24 bit. Touch on Ethernet (in
another room), digital out to a Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC. Old wireless
laptop running Linux Mint Debian controls server using Chromium. 
Squeezelite on Ubuntu & Windows desktops plus the laptop.  Meridian
Explorer USB DAC to listen directly to Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft!
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