4 years ago I packed up my Tranquil pc T7 which ran WHS and I used for a
Squeezebox server for an original sqeezebox and a boom. I loved it for
accessing the BBC, Deezer and Soma radio. We moved house and the kit is
still boxed up now! 

_But_ we now have finally completed the (smart) wiring in our house and
I am looking to get my squeezeboxes going again! I am well aware of
Squeezebox being terminated a long time ago but delighted that the
community is ongoing! I am assuming (and praying( I will be able to
access Deezer, Soma and 6music!

Probably no one is using WHS! It's old! Current fanless solutions are
sweet but expensive, e.g.
https://tranquilpcshop.co.uk/rugged-intel-core-mini-pc/ What can people
recommend for a cheap and reliable Squuezebox server?

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