cliveb wrote: 
> All of the good things you mention about why the Pi4 is better than the
> Pi3 are perfectly valid when considered in an appropriate context. I
> applaud the fact they've decoupled the LAN from USB, and that it now has
> USB3. (FWIW, I still think an onboard SATA controller would be the icing
> on the cake, but we're still waiting for that).
> But none of the Pi3's limitations you mention are significant in the
> context of an LMS server. My LMS running on a Pi3 with library on an SSD
> attached via USB2 has never, not once, ever, given me any trouble. It
> supports 5 players no problem. You don't need gigabit ethernet and/or
> USB3 speeds to stream the mickey-mouse data rates consumed by audio.
> Using a more capable device when it's not justified, and suffering other
> issues as a result, would be considered pretty daft in most walks of
> life.
> It's a bit like choosing to go to Tesco (Walmart for our US cousins) in
> a Ferrari instead of a Ford - no advantage, and you end up burning more
> fuel.

All true but I submit it might depend on why you went to Tesco. You
might have gone in your Ferrari - which model have you got by the way -
in order to impress someone and not just for shopping. Mind you I
suppose you’d go to Waitrose in a Ferrari so the point is academic.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng
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