> You are essentially forced into a lossy format unless you want to
> upgrade your server.
I don't understand this. In my experience, converting to a lossy format
takes MORE horespower than to a lossless one.

> is a GREAT choice in theory, but the fact is the major players (iTunes,
> WMP) don't support it
iTunes is the only major player I'm aware of that won't play flac.
There are plugins for WMP, and Winamp/Foobar/etc all play it out of the
box. Blame Apple for not supporting it and not allowing plugins to add

The problem here is proprietary formats, but what baffles me is how
people blame Slim for supporting the open ones. Apple want to tie you
into iTunes/AAC, Microsoft want to tie you into WMP/WMA, Slim just want
you to be able to listen to your music. As soon as these companies start
(a) licensing their formats so other people can play them or (b)
supporting the open standards - then we'll all be happy. Until then,
complain to them.

radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19155

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