jonheal;148173 Wrote: 
> Now, the question you have to ask yourself is: Do people that drive
> Porshces need charity? ;-)

Well, Porches aside, ;-), we did know who the company personnel were
and they were extremely active in the forum.  It shows a genuine
interest and concern for their customers.  He didn't just "take the
money and run" if you will.

Sean made the first SliMP3s in his garage.  I'm sure he wasn't driving
a Porche back then.  He had the idea, he was the first to put an IPv4
stack on a microcontroller IIRC, so does he not deserve to get rewarded
for his efforts?  In a capitalistic society, most definitely yes!

I'd prefer he gets the Porche than some politician who gets it from
kickbacks, because Sean has actually done something useful.

Mark Lanctot
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