JJZolx;158403 Wrote: 
> I agree with some of your observations.  SlimServer needs a fast machine
> to be usable for many of us.  I have zero tolerance for slow loading web
> sites and even less when that site is running on a local machine with 5%
> CPU load.
> The slow-loading gallery issues seem to me to be a factor of a slow
> HTTP server (what can you do - it's written in Perl)

I don't think you should really blame a language for an implementation.
I've seen Perl servers that out-perform all-C servers or all-Assembler
servers. I've seen Perl servers beaten hands down by all-C servers.
I've seen Perl servers beaten by Perl servers.

> ... and poor caching of artwork thumbnails.  There are also ongoing
> issues with the database implementation, as others have pointed out -
> such as queries returning millions of rows to generate a single web
> page.
> Keep in mind that for the gallery view when you change the thumbnail
> size, all those images are regenerated on the fly when the page is
> served (then they're served from a cache).  I _still_ haven't figured
> out why they all can't be pregenerated during the scanning process. 
> Probably easier caching them.

When I originally installed SlimServer, around 6.1 time, I thought
about it for a little bit whilst I looked at the configuration. The
idea of resizing the images seemed silly to me, so I updated one of the
scripts I have which regularly processes the entire collection so that
it pre-generates thumbnails of exactly the right size for the server to
use as 'CoverThumb.jpg'. Like you I felt that they should be
pre-generated so that they're ready for use immediately. Why waste time
serving up dynamic content when you don't have to ?

So I had CoverFront.jpg as the main graphic and CoverThumb.jpg as the
thumbnail. Lovely. Only it looks like that's gone now that I've
upgraded to 7.0. It makes me a little sad. But only a little, because I
so rarely use the web interface. But it does seem silly to not be able
to use pre-generated images that are intended for the purpose.

In fact, it's only because you mentioned the lack of pre-generated
images that I decided to look and actually saw that the coverThumb
option has gone from the configuration completely.

If I thought about it, I might re-add the functionality to
Slim::Music::Artwork.pm, but it looks like the 'purpose' for the image
is no longer known - in 6.2.1 Slim::Music::Info.pm was supplied a
parameter to request either the 'cover' or the 'thumb'. This meant that
it knew which to return. The new form doesn't seem to do anything like
that so you wouldn't otherwise know. So it'd mean more extensive
changes to restore that option. I'm sure there was a good reason for
losing the ability to use pre-generated thumbnails, but it seems to me
like a backward step.

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