MrSinatra;289376 Wrote: 
> gimmie a break.  ok, so you have mp3s, but WHY doesn't it affect you?

Because, as I said last week: I use ALBUMARTIST for ALBUMARTIST. 
(Well, Musicbrainz tags which are converted)

> is it because you simply don't care?  or are you saying the problem
> doesn't exist?  or are you saying you have found a workaround for it?

No workaround: I have never used TPE2 for ALBUMARTIST.

As I pointed out it works fine and dandy for me.  But, then, I don't

> my point imo remains valid.  if the issue exists, and i believe it
> does, it AFFECTS ALL MP3 users, whather they know it or not, whether
> they care or not.  u don't have to be aware of it or care about it, to
> be part of an affected population.

No, it does not stand.  It only stands for people who have used
software that lies to them and tells them they are setting the 'album
artist' tag when they are setting the BAND tag.  Then they do not
understand why the two are different.

It does not affect me any more than, "you can't put random crap in the
TPE1 field!  why not?" forces me to tag artists correctly.

> now if you are saying the problem doesn't exist, that would be
> something else.  but from what i can tell it does exist and i don't
> think thats what you mean.
> (and if you found a workaround, it affected you to have to do that,
> didn't it?)

No, again, it is not a 'workaround'.  The 'workaround' is "omg, id3v2
doesn't include an album artist tag, well, what the hell, let's shove
it in TPE2 cause no one uses that!"

> so anyway, basically b/c you found another unintended use of the TPE2
> field since SC7 does not use it properly, you think thats a valid thing
> to enforce on others?

I give up.  The INTENDED use of the TPE2 field, according to
The 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment' frame is used for additional
information about the performers in the recording.

It does NOT say, "oh, yeah, and you can toss the album artist in here,

Your definition of 'intended use' is actually, "other software uses it
this way, so that must be what it was meant for".  That goes counter to
the meaning of the word 'intended'.

I did not "find another use"... Winamp did.

> in other words, it shouldn't be fixed b/c of your convienence?
> i'm just rying to understand your point, please explain it to me.

My point is that you twist words like "intended" around to mean not
"what the intentions of the creator were", but "what other people have
done with it".  You ignore standards and other people following those
standards and insist that they are 'workarounds' because you and your
software do not follow those standards, so everyone else must be

I do not know if this is deliberate or not.  I strongly suspect it is
deliberate: the twisting of the word 'intended' pushed me over the edge
on that.  

Intended \In*tend"ed\, a.
1. Made tense; stretched out; extended; forcible; violent.
[Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

2. Purposed; designed; as, intended harm or help.
[1913 Webster]

For most of us, the first definition is, as marked, obsolete.  But you
seem to be using the word in that way.  "Winamp intended the TPE2 field
to be Album Artist"...   They stretched it and forcibly shoved other
data into a field they should not have.

Most of us would however agree that the most common use of 'intended'
is the second choice: "The ID3v2.3 specification intended to use TPE2
as band/orchestra/accompaniment, implying a lesser role than the TPE1
field of primary artist, and not quite the same as TPE3 ("CONDUCTOR")
or TPE4 ("remix/otherwise modified by"). 

It is not "finding another use"  to actually follow the

"Holy cow, this table saw cuts wood!  Who would have guessed if I
followed the directions it would do that!  I found a whole new use for
this thing!"

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