MrSinatra;290210 Wrote: 
> since you don't know if either is true, you can't claim its a problem.

And you assume I care how you organize your music.   If you want
Sinatra under the Q's that is your business.  I think it would be truly
stupid and painful to navigate that way, but it is your library.

> you assume i have TCMP/Comp tags, when i already told you i don't.  i
> know i don't b/c if i did, i would have figured that out already by SC7
> sorting something into VA that had no obvious known reason to be in VA,
> (such as differing TPE1 artists on the same album).

I assume you do, or you should, because you stated:

> (which is what it does now with my stuff, unless its a VA album or an
> album it THINKS is VA)

That exactly describes the problem of having incorrect or missing TCMP

If you have an album that is being detected as VA because it has one
track with some-other-artist, the proper way to fix that is
COMPILATION=0.  This forces the scanner to treat it differently.   For
an example, see the 2nd post on this topic where I showed some of the
tags from a Sonny Bono tribute album, which I wanted attributed to
Sonny Bono as Album Artist and did not want to clutter up my 'browse
artist' with a bunch of bands I have no other tracks from.

If you want to make SC (and iTunes!) handle those correctly, you should
set the TCMP tag.

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