mvalera;298371 Wrote: 
> Here's the story.
> Sonos' initial  setup is easier for the novice for wireless, but if you
> use a wired connection that is a moot point.

Not at all true when we're talking about controller connectivity
issues. These forums are full of such problems and the controllers
can't be wired.

I have both systems in my living room right now, I'm testing them side
by side. I have full retail units, purchased sealed in a store, not
battered old press test kit with old firmware.

I've taken a lot of criticism prior to today on various forums,
including this one. I was accused of delivering Duet criticism based on
a very limited use experience with early code. This lead to many, very
personal, insults which the forum moderators here refused to address.

So, to appease the critics, I've gone back to day zero. I have both
pieces of kit, in my own home, on my own network, with my own music
library. I've got the very latest production release of SqueezeCentre
installed on both a Windows PC and my Infrant ReadyNas NV+ alongside
all the Sonos kit. Ultimately, as requested by Logitech staff, I will
be updating the cNet review I made a little while ago to carry more
facts and accuracy.

Which machine will start playing an internet radio station fastest? Who
has the best sync? Which system can skip tracks backwards and forwards
on demand without a delay? Which system can display album art on screen
whilst browsing? Which system integrates with iTunes the best? Do you
really need a server machine? How do the two controllers compare?

These are the kind of tests I will be running in a review that I intend
to publish shortly.

I don't work for Slim Devices, Logitech, Sonos, or indeed anybody in
the hifi industry. I'm a simple, independent, IT geek who sits in a
cube all day working for a car company. I'm unbiased and come to the
argument presenting only facts from real life experiences from
ownership of BOTH systems.

They both have their advantages and the best solution would have
elements of both systems. I don't intend to draw any direct
conclusions, I will simply let the reader decide which system meets
their requirements best.

cybersus (or any other interested party) - If you have any specific
tests you'd like me to run, then by all means let me know - but I do
recommend you, and any other potential buyers, delay purchase until I
release my results.

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