Siduhe;298580 Wrote: 
> *To the OP:* these are the Slim community forums, so (most/everyone)
> here has already considered the question you are asking and plumped for
> the SB/Duet.  To that extent, our feedback isn't unbiased or
> independent.

I thought I'd touch base on that comment and the word "independent"
which has also been used earlier in the thread. When I claim to be
"independent", I am communicating the fact that I don't have a
financial interest in the discussion. I don't get salaried,
commissioned, bonused or in any way incentivised on the sale of any
hifi or electronic equipment. I have no reason for saying one of these
products has an advantage over another except for if I think it does.

It's fair to say that most of the members of these kinds of forums
except, for example, Logitech staff and their resellers are independent
in a similar way. Most of us act for nobody but ourselves.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I was one of those who was extremely critical of the way
> you chose to approach and review the Duet.  Not worth going over in
> detail, but not so much what you said, as the way you chose to respond
> afterwards as rob53ben and jaffacake.
> To that extent, you have to accept a level of background suspicion
> here as to your motives.  I think an acknowledgement that things could
> have been handled better would go a long way to alieviating that
> concern.

For the purposes of transparency, I'll answer that. Basically,
jaffacake is my nickname. I own the domain names and my best mate calls
me 'jaffa' to my face when we're in the pub - I would turn around if you
shouted it in the street. I write my blog under the pen-name of Jaffa.
On all online forums and other registration based communities,
jaffacake is my first choice login name. When unavailable, I use my
second choice of ro53ben; which is actually my car registration plate
here in the UK - an alphanumeric form of my real name Ben Rose.

So, when I registered on these forums some years ago to research the
product, i registered as jaffacake as the name was available. On CNet,
there was already a user called jaffacake so I was forced to go with
the 2nd choice. If possible, I would happily have posted the review as
jaffacake. My forum nick varies from place to place purely on
availability of the nickname and there's no ulterior motives

> That said, I haven't seen anything recently that suggests to me
> you're trying to do anything other than what you say - review side by
> side and in detail the two systems.
> If these forums are as friendly and helpful as we always hold them out
> to be, people here need to get over it and pitch in to answer your
> questions and help you out.  

Thanks, I am genuinely just the messenger here, whether people choose
to believe it or not and I have in the past made a concerted effort to
keep things on topic. Sincere apologies to the OP of this thread that
things have inadvertently gone off at a tangent on this one.

Thankfully I have managed to touch base with a couple of SqueezeBox
owners offline who are hopefully going to help provide me with
additional 'real world' ownership experiences which I may include
within my review. Likewise, I am sharing my experiences and indeed have
made numerous posts around these forums to help people out with queries
they have raised.

> I think it was Robin that had a conversation with one of the Sonos
> admins when this all kicked off and both of them agreed there's a
> danger in taking this too seriously.  Some of the Sonos people feel
> there's a history of Sim posters Sonos-bashing on their forums - not
> recently but look at the archives and they may have a point.

I think the key here is to recognise that we may have genuine, but
conflicting, opinions about the products. It's critical for us to stay
focussed on the products and not the people, personal attacks don't
help anybody and just drag the community down.

> We'll all read your review with interest, and my only advice (entirely
> unsolicited) is that you'll catch more flies with honey than with
> vinegar. ;-)

I totally agree, it's just a shame that Apple declined to take part in
a multi-product digital music group test when I approached them about
it a few weeks ago, i wonder why? ;)

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