SilverRS8;298415 Wrote: 
> Judging from your posts on your personal site, the sonos forum and the
> SD forum I think it is not fair to say your independent. You are very
> much pro Sonos. Which ofcourse you are entitled to. Maybe the
> synchronization fits your needs best and Sonos is the better choice. If
> you would only once ever admit that Squeeze products are the better
> product of choice in various cases I would believe your 'I'm
> independent' statement. But for now I've only see you review why Sonos
> is so much better than Logitech. Thats not reviewing by facts. Thats
> reviewing by personal opinion. Nothing wrong with that but don't say
> and publish like your independent.

There's a huge difference between having a personal preference and
being biased. You often read reviews on gadget sites and the like that
say that the Duet is good, but they PREFER the Sonos although it costs
more. It doesn't mean they're biased, it just means that they've used
both and have a particular reason for liking Sonos more. Sadly, they
often don't justify this reason or back it up with facts.

My intention is to change this a little. I'm not going to sprinkle
fairy dust and say that I think one sounds better than the other, or
that ones looks better than the other...these things are all
subjective. But if one unit takes less than one second to start
playback of the same file that it takes the other unit three seconds to
cue up, then we have a fact based reason for preference.

Like, for example, the album art appears almost immediately on the
Squeezebox controller screen when scrolling through albums. The Sonos
can take a second or so to display the art and, even then, will only
display one sleeve at a time. These are important facts and could
influence a purchase.

On a contrasting note, the Duet Squeezebox Controller can only be
charged when in the cradle at an almost vertical angle - there's no
separate charger. This makes it almost impossible to use when the
battery is flat, another possible factor.

I have many preferences here, and those for one product might outweigh
another...but don't ever assume that makes me in any way biased.

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