Hi Marc,

> So what does REST say about bandwidth, it's not a problem?

If you use proxies to cache data, than you not waste, but save bandwith. 
That's a (or the?) reason that sessions are not allowed. If you have 
state on the server, than the cache / proxy can't know whats the server 
state is (for exactly the same request as one minute before).

 > REST services are definitely chatty.
REST chats intelligent things like cache information, to allow save 
bandwith in the future. SOAP is also chatty, but it speak a lot of 
filler words (tags for soap-header, tags for soap-bosy, tag for the 
error code and so on). And it uses XML, what is bandwith waste in 
itself, because it sends a lot of tags double (at start and end of the 
tag). With REST you could transfer JSON, which does not need double tags.
BTW: The best SOAP coup in relation to this is HTTP over SOAP over HTTP 
(Web Service Resource Transfer, http://www.w3.org/Submission/WSRT/). The 
most "efficent" transfer is, if you need to encode the data you want to 
transfer into an XML node (e.g. to base64, because it contains non 
printable characters; HTTP directly allows 8 bit)

 > especially when compared to SOAP webservices that might perform N 
operations in one shot.
You could also design your web services to perform multiple operations 
in one shot:

    * Get multiple objects: Design a sub collection with the IDs you want
    * POST multiple objects: send an array of objects (e.g. in XML or JSON).

best regards


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