Never heard about the "create a motion to vote or motion to table" until
today.  Either way they reason I brought this up, people dread the meetings
due to the length of them.  I have been to many Start Up pitches where you
have only 5 mins to convey the whole concept of your company.  I feel if
you cannot present your topic of proposal within 10 minutes you should
probably create a more clarified version of what you are trying to convey.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Justin Herman <> wrote:

> IMO we don't need to set a time max.
> Under our current operation. When someone has felt the discussion has gone
> long enough they can create a motion to vote or motion to table the
> discussion. With a 2nd person 2nd the motion a vote occurs. The moderator's
> job is to keep discussion on point and for those who want to speak the
> opportunity to speak.
> Justin
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Michael Griesacker <
> > wrote:
>> PM: -I thought we did a way with "blocking" and consensus with your
>> "straight voting" proposal?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: alex kot <>
>> Date: Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 5:40 AM
>> Subject: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Time Limit proposals during meetings
>> To: SYN/HAK discussion list <>
>> Problem:  Meetings get drawn out too long when proposals are brought up.
>> Solution: Mandatorily when a proposal is brought up during the meeting it
>> can be only discussed for 10 minutes max.  The person who created the
>> proposal will become the moderator at that time; to insure that time is
>> justified for the discussion.
>> Other:
>> Current proposals rules
>>    - Proposals are discussed for one meeting, and decided upon at the
>>    meeting that immediately follows.
>>    - Proposals may be brought up at any time, but must be discussed for
>>    at least one week before any decision is made.
>>    - During that week, discussion must happen during a regular weekly
>>    meeting.
>>    - Proposals are decided upon at the first meeting that immediately
>>    follows that one week discussion period.
>>    - You need to be at the deciding meeting to block consensus or
>>    otherwise contribute to the decision.
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