On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Derrick Peavy <derr...@derrickpeavy.com> wrote:
> I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.

I've seen a ton of folks go through this on various mailing lists.
Here's my take...

PHP is not a bad language, CF is not a bad language.  Performance,
scale, lines of code, beautiful code - a PHP ninja can beat the crap
out of a CF newbie and a CF ninja can beat the crap out of a PHP
newbie.  If you have a team of 5 ColdFusion developers, build in CF.
If you have a team of 5 PHP developers, build in PHP.  If you have a
team of 5 PERL programmers,   If you chose the technology before you
hire the developers, hire developers who know the technology.

Here's the tough love - I think you have three choices:

1) Change their mind
2) Learn PHP
3) Find another project

I really don't think any of the 3 choices are "bad" but it sounds like
#1 might already be off the table.  If it's not, perhaps someone on
the list can help you convince them that CF is an okay solution, but
I'm not sure that's the best solution.  Think about option 2 and 3,
they might be an okay career move too.

If you want to bounce more idea of some CF and PHP developers, I know
that at least one PHP developer and at least one CF developer will be
at the Tech Nosh lunch next Thursday.  Come out and chat with
everyone, bring the ATDC folks if you want...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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