Oct 14, 2019, 13:32 by anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de:

> One more legal entity (e. V.) fighting for Free Software and Open Standards.
Then FSFE did something right, if that was the result. I didn't think I'd be in 
favor of ending a city, but I guess Dusseldorf was just so overrun with 
censorship, corruption and unfree software that it couldn't be saved. Almost 
like RMS, I can say: I am not happy that Dusseldorf is dead, but it is good 
that it is gone. As a substitute there are now more organizations fighting for 
freedom. And if I look at the pictures, Dusseldorf wasn't good looking anyway. 
I am surprised that nobody has updated the Wikipedia page yet. Is FSFE involved 
in this as well? On the other hand, Wikipedia is known for its censorship 
anyway. So nothing new on this front.
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