On 9/24/05, Mojo Jojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also, I assume the wizard only prioritizes the SIP port? Does it
> > prioritize
> > any other ports like the IAX ports, RTP and so on?
> >>
> >>The asterisk setting prioritizes
> >>UDP 5060-5069
> >>and
> >>UDP 10000-17226 (no idea why - SIP maybe?)
> This may help:
> http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk%20firewall%20rules
> UDP 10000-17226 is for SIP RTP, I have no idea what RTP is but is has to do
> with the fact that SIP and "Non SIP Aware Firewalls" do not get along very
> well. Basically things happen with SIP where you can never guess which of
> the ports within this range it will use at any one time, so... The only
> choice if you need SIP is to leave the whole range open, stinks but it's the
> only solution from what I understand.
> I have hear some buzz about "SIP aware" firewalls which deal with SIP in
> some other way.
> Anyhow, from what I understand it's not 10000-17226 that it uses, it's
> 10000-20000 but I could be wrong.
> Questions:
> 1- Is there any reasonably easy way for me to add the IAX (5036) and IAX2
> (4569) ports to the prioritization after I run the wizard?
> 2- Can you possibly ad these ports to the wizard so they will just work when
> you select the Asterisk option?

Committed.  It'll be in the next release (after 0.85.2 which just released)

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