DarkFoon wrote:

> I am curious if it is possible to "merge"-for want of a better
> word-pfSense with a FreeBSD install. Why? Well, I have a client who
> wants to integrate everything into 1 box if possible. I told him its
> not possible, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't check to see
> if I am wrong.
> Basically, the box needs to be a firewall and SMB server. I like
> pfSense's webGUI (I would hate to have to write all the pf.conf rules
> by hand) and all the easy controls it provides for me. (The more I
> type this email, the less likely it seems that this is possible) So I
> would like to try to combine the two, if possible. Yes, I am aware of
> the security and stability implications of this. ("Why is the SMB
> transfer so slow?" Well, little Timmy is using bittorrent right
> now...  or  "The internet is down? I can't transfer files?!" The box
> crashed...)
Why not just write a package (if one doesn't exist already) for SMB?

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