Alon Altman wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, E L wrote:
>> Great idea!:)
>> I think that while we at it we should look for someone who will be
>> willing
>> to give a bit more flexible hosting in example:
>> 1) Giving email address for a web mail for all yedidei hamakor to
> mail was discussed and rejected, in order to
> diffrentiate
> between official representatives and just friends. 
Not true. It was rejected because maintaining it is an administrative
nightmare. If and when we have a better friends/members tracking
program, we can integrate the mail server and the members database
(Lingnu has done such things before). Until such time, this is just too
much work.

In any case, such a system will not allow for local storage of mail,
only a forwarding address. Reason being that the space is better used
for mirrors.
>> 2) Hosting a wiki for various hamakor activities (now due to lack of
>> hosting
>> in happens on many other sites)
>> 3) Hosting Free software forums
I'm in favor of at least the forums. I'm not sure I want a wiki, and
not, say, just a CMS. The pros and cons are worth thinking about.
>> The first 2 will be a great the 3rd will be nice:)
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