On Sun, Jul 01, 2007, Mikhael Goikhman wrote about "Re: GPL v3":
> On 01 Jul 2007 09:38:32 +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> > 
> > I am now wondering whether I should switch to GPL v3 in free software that
> > I am writing, so I am looking for comparisons of the GPL v3 to the well-
> > known (and 15 years old) GPL v2.
> Whether you should upgrade to a version with no known holes (v3 or later)
> or stay with known holes (v2 or later), it's up to you. Largest holes
> that v3 closes:
>   * patent agreements like Novell-Microsoft targetted to defend Novell
>     users against Microsoft patent claims at expense of other users of
>     the same program will be impossible
>   * devices that _artificially_ disallow modifying the GPL source (thus
>     revoking the software freedom number 2 from the users) using secret
>     keys or such will be impossible

Thanks. I'm not sure, though, what exactly these mean in practice: What
does the GPL v3 say about patents that helped it defend against Microsoft's
"attack"? How does the GPL define a "device" that your second comment
applies to? Does the GPL v3 say anything about the latet fad in software -
"software as a service" (where the users use the software running on a remote
machine, and never actually get a copy)?

Of course, I can read the GPL v3 text and get all the answers myself. But
I was hoping that someone already has some sort of annotated version,
explaining the differences from GPL v2.

>   * there is an option to use Affero GPL to extend the copyleft concept
>     to the network applications, if this is what you want

Interesting. I've never heard of this before...
I'll look it up. Thanks.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Sunday, Jul  1 2007, 15 Tammuz 5767
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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