On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 13:37, Nadav Har'El <n...@math.technion.ac.il> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012, Ira Abramov wrote about "Re: Israelis use Free
> Software to inject malware to blogs":
> > Are you trying to protect what they did in any way?
> No, but you need to be more focused in what you're blaiming them for.
> Not every malicous program, breakin, security hole, and crappy software,
> has to do with GPL violations. Not every criminal should be prosecuted
> for GPL violation - when he did things even worse.

Well, I didn't say the malicious code was the violation of the GPL. there's
both a GPL problem here (cited in the website's TOS), a bit of malicious
code, and the open question of the obfuscation of that code which may be
interpreted as a violation as well.

Either way, my call for action was not a suggestion to open a debate on the
wording of the GPL, but a community call to arms against such unethical
behavior done "in our name" in some way. spreading malware in the guise of
Free Software, abusing GPL code, should be a moral outrage and not a debate
about the specific lines in the FSF's v2 or v3 version of some paper. this
is not a legal issue, but an ideological, moral issue. If you break it
apart like that and start giving excuses on why this is not prosecutable,

So I ask again, is the community in favor of asking the va'ad to publish a
sharp condemnation of this event and the perpetrators?
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