Hello! I hope I'm addressing this issue to the right place. Pradyun Gedam 
suggested [1] to open the discussion here.

PEP 508 dependency specification [2] is generally considered to be replacement 
for dependency links. However, version specifiers are missing from PEP 508, so 
I can't specify:
package >= 10.0 @ https://github.com/owner/package.git

I can specify the exact version with tag:
package @ https://github.com/owner/package.git@10.0

However, this is rather a hack than a real replacement.

So, I'm proposing to update PEP 508 to allow version specifiers. The url_req 
rule [3] could be updated as follows:
url_req       = name wsp* extras? wsp* versionspec? wsp* urlspec wsp+ 

However, there is an issue with overspecifying. What if I do this?
package > 10.0 @ https://github.com/owner/package.git@10.0

Should this be considered an error? No such version available? I think so, but 
maybe it should be specified in the PEP as well?

What do you think? I've never proposed any PEP update before, so there may be 
some procedures I'm missing. If so, please point me in the right direction.

Kind regards,
Jan Musílek

[1] https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/6162#issuecomment-458280052
[2] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/
[3] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#grammar
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