On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 23:40, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> You can also just stick files in a directory and use pretty much any web 
> server that generates an automatic index from it.

Including python3 -m http.server! (I wouldn't recommend using that on
the public internet, but it can be very handy on a private intranet).

Going back to the specific case of:

"So, let's say that I have dependency "C @
https://github.com/owner/C.git@3"; in project B and "C @
https://github.com/owner/C.git@1"; in project A."

The recommended way of handling that would be to:

1. change the dependency declarations to be "C >= 3" and "C >= 1"
2. use `pip wheel` to create a wheel file for project "C" yourself
3. drop that wheel file into a web directory or shared filesystem
4. add `-f <URL-for-the-location-in-step-3>` to your install commands

If using `pipenv`, then step 4 can be automated by defining an
additional `source` location in each project's Pipfile.

Tools like devpi, pinrepo, Artifactory, etc can also be considered as
potentially nicer ways of managing steps 2 & 3.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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